Sunday, January 23, 2011

Flame's Judgement: Renekton

Well, Renekton is out for a few days and after I played many games with him I got some things figured out.
First of all, he deals massive amout of damage both as dps and as a tank, though you know, dps deals like 3 times more, but on the other hand he can be played like Garen, tank items but still dealing massive dmg.
I myself reccomand play him as a full dps, unless your team doesn't have any tank, you can play him as a tank.
He is a greaty carry when played as a tank or hybrid, sunfire is great, so does gaurdian angel.
Bloodthirster and Black cleaver also goes as a great items for dps build.
Now few stuff about his spells: I think that the spell deals most dmg (with 50 fury) is you'r W, the stun. I think the stun should be maxed first together with Q skill while having 1 rank on E at lvl 2 or 3.
It is also important to know when you are building dps if you either focusing crit or dmg + arm pen.
For crit champ I reccomand Zeal first, B.F. Sword next, go for Phantom Dancer -> Infinity -> Trinity Force.
As if for dmg + arm pen get: Black cleaver, Stark's Fervor, Last Whisper and Blood Thrister & Sword of the Divine or Phantom Dancer.
I think that the best balanced build is: Ionian Boots, Black Cleaver, Trinity Force, Gaurdian Angel, Blood Thister and Sunfire Cape / Starks Fervor.
You have a massive amout of dmg at the begining so don't afriad to go offensive on your lane and push, but always remember that Reneknot is no match for characters such as Tryndamere or Yi.

Enjoy playing him, he is one the most fun champions to play!

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