Saturday, January 15, 2011

Flame's Judgement: Garen & Lux

Alright guys, time say some stuff.
I`ll start with Garen.

For a very long time, Garen was my main character. From the day he was out and further for some weeks.
I was really awesome with him, I killed a lot and played very well. But I played him wrong (?!)
Garen is one of the two only champions based purely on cooldown, spam your skills!
Most people won't play Garen like I did, I played him as AD DPS, while most people would chose to play him like a tank. I tried both ways and I must admit, they got some point.
While the DPS can f**king pawn everyone with his spin, he is not very useful and there is a way to build him stronger. I tried many builds and then, I got it! ~A sort of hybrid build.
Choose whatever boots you like (I prefer Ionian now) and then get Sunfire Cape -> Infinity Edge -> Force of Nature -> Black Cleaver -> (Runduin's Omen / Ghostblade).
While I like to play DPS more, I find out that as a tank Garen is a real ass kicker. He can tank as hell while dealing a nice amount of dmg.
Officially, Garen is a melee DPS though most people say he is a tank - Choose your own way!

And now for his little sister, Luxxana.
Lux is a caster, and an awesome one!
You play her pure ap, like any other caster so I`ll go straight to the combos and tricks.
Using your AOE slow skill, you want him to slow the enemy as much as possible, so try explode it when they really on the edge.
You can snare two people! Remember this, it can be a life savour.
You want to ignite you target before using your ultimate (not summoner spell, your passive), so try to hit him with Q or E before striking him with your ultimate.
Cooldown reduction items are awesome for lux, but if you can maintain golem buff, 20 stack mejai soul be enough. If you can't play mejai couse they are tough, try get Ionian boots or Deathfire Grasp.
When you got some cooldown reduction, you need to know that your ultimates can have less than 30 seconds of cooldown! Try to use your ultimates to harras enemies, it might sound stupid but it's not!
Also use it as soon as a teamfight starts, and you will have it again before it ends!

This is all I have to say about those brother & sister, so get out to the fields of justice and fight for Demacia!!!

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