Sunday, January 23, 2011

Flame's Judgement: Renekton

Well, Renekton is out for a few days and after I played many games with him I got some things figured out.
First of all, he deals massive amout of damage both as dps and as a tank, though you know, dps deals like 3 times more, but on the other hand he can be played like Garen, tank items but still dealing massive dmg.
I myself reccomand play him as a full dps, unless your team doesn't have any tank, you can play him as a tank.
He is a greaty carry when played as a tank or hybrid, sunfire is great, so does gaurdian angel.
Bloodthirster and Black cleaver also goes as a great items for dps build.
Now few stuff about his spells: I think that the spell deals most dmg (with 50 fury) is you'r W, the stun. I think the stun should be maxed first together with Q skill while having 1 rank on E at lvl 2 or 3.
It is also important to know when you are building dps if you either focusing crit or dmg + arm pen.
For crit champ I reccomand Zeal first, B.F. Sword next, go for Phantom Dancer -> Infinity -> Trinity Force.
As if for dmg + arm pen get: Black cleaver, Stark's Fervor, Last Whisper and Blood Thrister & Sword of the Divine or Phantom Dancer.
I think that the best balanced build is: Ionian Boots, Black Cleaver, Trinity Force, Gaurdian Angel, Blood Thister and Sunfire Cape / Starks Fervor.
You have a massive amout of dmg at the begining so don't afriad to go offensive on your lane and push, but always remember that Reneknot is no match for characters such as Tryndamere or Yi.

Enjoy playing him, he is one the most fun champions to play!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New patch is out!

And there we are, with our new patch....
No rammus nerf after all huh? Well maybe next time.
New heimer is pretty awesome, hje got buffed without being too much strong, pretty balanced buff as I say.
I will buy the new champ only today, so from what I've seen, 90% of the people fail hard with him, but even when they do you can see he pretty strong! The people I saw playing good with him (around two) rocked hard.
Well, eve is pretty lame now.... But panth is pretty much the same.
And Caitlyn, oh my god Caitlyn, this girl pawn ass now!

Next upcoming a judgement of a new champion, this time it's a Renekton!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Champion is Coming

First of all, the spotlight:

Now, as you can see this champion uses a new system called fury, which is pretty awesome.
His ultimates reminds the one of nasus, probably because they are brothers :D
He seems a bit op, mostly because of slice and dice, which allows him to really stick up to his target while he also got a stun (A fatter version of Irellia?).
I can't say much about him until I`ll play him myself, hopefully he`ll be out soon so I can buy him :-)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New patch preview impression

Ok guys, I`m not sure this time.
I have no idea if either to be pissed or happy...
I`m happy for buffing cailyn and nerfing rammus but I`m kind of mad about evelynn and panth.
Hiemer is ok, he needed some buff but if I think about it, it might be too much of a buff.
Nerfing eve? Come on, now she can't either jungle or lane, this is uper lame! All she can do is hide and lvl up.
Anyways, thanks god for Caitlyn! She was really lame, lets hope she be more useful now.

I got some more stuff to say, but I`ll wait for the patch to be out.

Flame's Judgement: Garen & Lux

Alright guys, time say some stuff.
I`ll start with Garen.

For a very long time, Garen was my main character. From the day he was out and further for some weeks.
I was really awesome with him, I killed a lot and played very well. But I played him wrong (?!)
Garen is one of the two only champions based purely on cooldown, spam your skills!
Most people won't play Garen like I did, I played him as AD DPS, while most people would chose to play him like a tank. I tried both ways and I must admit, they got some point.
While the DPS can f**king pawn everyone with his spin, he is not very useful and there is a way to build him stronger. I tried many builds and then, I got it! ~A sort of hybrid build.
Choose whatever boots you like (I prefer Ionian now) and then get Sunfire Cape -> Infinity Edge -> Force of Nature -> Black Cleaver -> (Runduin's Omen / Ghostblade).
While I like to play DPS more, I find out that as a tank Garen is a real ass kicker. He can tank as hell while dealing a nice amount of dmg.
Officially, Garen is a melee DPS though most people say he is a tank - Choose your own way!

And now for his little sister, Luxxana.
Lux is a caster, and an awesome one!
You play her pure ap, like any other caster so I`ll go straight to the combos and tricks.
Using your AOE slow skill, you want him to slow the enemy as much as possible, so try explode it when they really on the edge.
You can snare two people! Remember this, it can be a life savour.
You want to ignite you target before using your ultimate (not summoner spell, your passive), so try to hit him with Q or E before striking him with your ultimate.
Cooldown reduction items are awesome for lux, but if you can maintain golem buff, 20 stack mejai soul be enough. If you can't play mejai couse they are tough, try get Ionian boots or Deathfire Grasp.
When you got some cooldown reduction, you need to know that your ultimates can have less than 30 seconds of cooldown! Try to use your ultimates to harras enemies, it might sound stupid but it's not!
Also use it as soon as a teamfight starts, and you will have it again before it ends!

This is all I have to say about those brother & sister, so get out to the fields of justice and fight for Demacia!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Random Post

Funniest story ever!
I bought Penta-kill morde skin! Yay! And so, I started a game and I forgot to switch to the skin and I cryed the whole game that I can't perform a penta kill (never expected to lol!).
But suddenly, my team loses a team fight, they got their tank half hp and 1 char low.
I put ulty on twitch and then used him and my awesome skills to perform a penta kill!!!!

Btw: Next to be - a new judgement as promised and now I can tell they are two and they are related!
Expect it in a few hours!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

F***ing stupid s**t a**holes!

Yes, I curse, and even during games.
But I am flaming only those who give me the reason to do it.
I just had a game with the biggest jerk ever.
We lost one team fight, and he decided to go afk in order to lose the game he it's our fault Rammus taunted him.
I hates those guys who go afk by pissing of other people dying or because losing team fights.
Seriously dude, losing is part of the game.
On the other hand, I do justify those who go afk because they are pissed on ret***s.
If anyone ever come and start to KS your minions or jungle, you have the right to go afk.
If anyone KS your champion kills on purpose, you have the right to go afk.
If anyone could help you but decided not to cause he hates you on random reason, you have the right to go afk.
If anyone is swearing like hell and using the F word on you every second, f***ing report that bitch!
(The right on going afk is not official, it's just my opinion).
Any who, just report all those bastards that are messing with you.
I almost never raging. I caught arguing with Nazis and other racist and yet I kept myself calm, but there is just one thing that pisses me off, you never, NEVER, steal my Golem / Lizard buff, NEVER! Or else prepare yourself to 3-4 times of feed and then I`m afk and telling the other team what my team does.
Not really in sportive manners but, I always warning my team never to steal my buffs, and my arrange mates knows that they better give me golem when I`m with Mordekaiser rather than a team mates (Enter mana based caster) will take it, :D
But it's rarely happens on solo gaming, like 2 times in my life, my raging is usually on my arrange-team mates.
So, f*** all flamers, leaver and especially buff stealers (burn in hell bitches -bitch is not a word that needed to be censored- and stop stealing my buffs!).
Have a good day guys!
P.S. - Can't wait to buy Penta kill Morde / Sona on the discount soon!

Upcoming next: A new judgement, this time double one, expect it!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tank Tank Heal Tank

This is post is to discuss the role of tanking.
Is tanking is getting lots of armor and life and rush in like an idiot waiting till your death? No.
The real role of tanks as I think is to survive longer in battles and thus deal lots of dmg even without ap / ad items, though I think a real tank shall be balanced, 4 defensive item, 1 hybrid and 1 offensive.
Lets take example of ap tank: You get whatever boots you think you need, 3 tankish item, Zhoniya's and Mejai's or Deathcap.
A "pure" tank is not useless at all, he is better at surviving and can stay alive after all his team is dead and keep fighting fairly even against 3 plays! But, his problem is that he won't do enough damage to be any of a use.
A "pure" tank, when chased by 3-4 people can only run and hope to survive until he reach a tower or until he gets any help, unlike him, alanced tank can counter and kill one or two people before he dies.
Well this is my opinion, and every one has it's own.
List of good "pure" tanks: Rammus, Malphite and Mundo.
List of good balanced tanks: Amumu, Garen & Galio.
Good luck at tanking!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Flame's Judgement: Shaco

The first champion I ever played would be the first one to be rewived.
So, Shaco is a DPS champion can be played either by dmg, ap or hybrid.
Why dmg: shaco got awesome skills to stick to his enemy like decieve and two-shiv poison and he has a great dmg output which makes him one of the strongest champions in the game.
Why ap: Shaco's two-shiv poison ap scaling is 100% so any point of ap makes it deadly and beside shaco is very strong with any dmg items, which makes ap player deadly (add to this a jitb with 200-300 dmg in every attack and bang!).
Why hybrid: although he has a great dmg output without any items, shaco still need some boost to be extremly deadly. The best reason: two shiv poison benefits both from ap and ad - 50% dmg and 100% ap, which makes hybrid perfect. Hybrid usually getting both lifesteal and spell vamp which allows shaco recover tons of hp both by skills and attacks allowing him to survive longer in team fights.

First thing to always do with shaco: get the golem buff! Place 5-6 jitb nearby the golem before he apears and when he comes out, slay him with no mercy! You`ll get level 2 and lvl up decieve and gogogo to the middle lane to perform first blood!
Some funny moves with shaco:
1) Send you ultimate on the enemy before you go to kill him in order to damage him.
2) Jitb trap: place 4-5 jitb inside the grass and wait till someone comes. Jitb got crazy dmg output and they might kill him without your help, but always stay nearby to make sure the enemy is dead.
3) Bluffing-buffing - Make your allies put some buff on your clone in battles so the enemy will focus him instead of you.
4) Try to talk around the jugnle sometimes and try to steal a lizard or golem with two-shiv poison.

Well, that's it, all I got about shaco.
I really like to play him and he isn't that OP like people think, but yet he is stronger than average.
And when playing with shaco try to make it funny guys, "Why so serious?"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Caitlyn, Udyr and AP.

First of all WOW.

Really, this patch is damn imbalanced. The new ap items are way too strong, you can get like a lot more ap in really quick time, and on the other hand the dmg items got nerfed a bit. <-- I do not like this.
On the other hand, we got udyr :D
Strong like hell, tiger stance pawn ass, really really powerful, big like from me!
Caitlyn -> looks good, nice range and really annoying, but like Phreak said, pretty much useless on late game.
I really hope next patch would balance things up a bit.
Oh and the revert for garen is good, he is awesome once again!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New patch is out!

A long awaited patch, game getting slightly more balanced and yet I feel the need to complain about some stuff.
I didn't have the time to play the game yet, only in a couple hours from now, but I can see some stuff that I don't like already now.

1st this is: Zhonya's out, new op items in!
Come on, 155 ap and 30% bonus ap? We`ll see the outcome of this thing.
Though, the other item, Zhonya's Hourglass, seems pretty nice, 50 armor and 100 ap looks very usefull as a defensive item for casters, plus you got the rings active.

I won't say anything about the new champ until I play it so, wait for it guys.
Garen got some power up back, looks good.
Udyr, nicely reworked and yet I don't like it, I need to play him a bit to see how he is now.
Nurse Akali skin looks cute :-)
Oh and the new boots looks like a usefull item!

I hope this patch will be good, I`mma starting to play very soon, wait for feedback about udyr and Caitlyn!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Who Stole my LifeSteal?

So, after malady was reworked into ap instead of lifesteal, you can see a lot of it's causes on the game.
Malady was a very important item for a lot of dps champions and now they are forced to buy something else' which suits them less.
I've been trying to find a good combination of items for some champions I used malady with, and it is not like before, now I need to rework on the whole set of items because I take a differant item of lifesteal.
Malady had a unique combo of attack speed, life steal and bonus dmg on every attack.
I know malady was changed long ago and it is kind of late, but I am feeling like spilling this out hopfully a new AS-life steal item will come, because Stark's fervor is just not that.


Give you feedback on my first post!

New Year, The blog starts

Hopefully by time I will get readers, I am starting my blog.
My blog will about the game of League of Legends which I recommand to everyone:

I play at the european server and my name is FIame with capital i.
I play both 3v3 & 5v5, and both rank and normal games.
My most fave champ is Master Yi and my most hated champ is Evelynn.

Here on this blog I will post my feedback upon the new stuff outy in the game and sometimes on old stuff i would like to change, and I`ll try to post a feedback on every champion at a time.